International Cooperation

Recent Progress in Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Systems


Lecturer: Special Associate Researcher Guan Xuexin, University of Science and Technology of China

Location: 202 Cuiliu, New District

Time: June 1, 2021 10:20

Brief introduction of the lecturer: Trevor Hocksun Kwan was born in Australia. He received a PhD in Engineering from the University of Sydney in September 2017. He then served as a postdoctoral fellow at Sun Yat-sen University for 2 years and now serves as a special associate researcher at the School of Engineering Science at the University of Science and Technology of China. The main research directions are thermodynamic analysis of new energy systems, subsystem coupling relationship mechanisms, and the development of energy management strategies; photovoltaic cells-thermoelectric generators (PV/TEG), fuel cells and thermoelectric generators (FC/TEG), Hybrid systems such as new artificial photosynthesis systems. Hosted 1 Youth Innovation Fund project of the University of Science and Technology of China, hosted and completed 1 China Postdoctoral Science Fund project, and mainly participated in 1 provincial major R&D project and 1 major foreign scientific and technological cooperation project. In recent years, a total of 38 SCI papers have been published in international journals such as "Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev.", "Appl. Energ.", "Energ. Convers. and Manage." (29 of which are the first author or Corresponding author, 23 articles belong to JCR Region 1 journals). Published more than 5 international conference papers; applied for 7 national invention patents; "Google Scholars" has been cited a total of 298 times, with an H-factor of 10. He received the "Special Research Assistant Grant from the Chinese Academy of Sciences", the "Pearl River Talent Plan" grant from Guangdong Province, and the title of "Excellent Postdoctoral Fellow" from Sun Yat-sen University in 2018.

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