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Dr. Jharna Chaudhuri:Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocatalytic Systems for fuel cell Applications


时 间: 2019年5月13日下午三点

地 点:合肥工业大学学术会议中心第三会议室

报告人:Jharna Chaudhuri 教授


Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), in particular, have shown tremendous potential towards becoming an alternative energy source for transportation and portable power applications. Despite the recent advances in fuel cell technology, challenges persist in making these energy systems affordable, practically viable and competitive. Some of the challenges are the enhancement of activity, durability and reducing the cost of the catalysts for fuel cells. In the presentation a dimethylformamide based surfactant free synthesis method for controlled fabrication of nano-sized catalysts will be introduced. Precise shape control of platinum nanoparticles from truncated octahedron to cubes will be demonstrated through control of synthesis parameters like solvent water concentration, reaction temperature and time. The synthesis route is further advanced for tuning the shape, size and composition of bimetallic PtNi nanoparticles by development of an in-situ strategy for carbon source addition. The PtNi nanoparticles on carbon black demonstrated a 12-fold enhancement of activity over the commercial Pt catalysts and displayed excellent durability, retaining their shape and activity under electrochemical cycling.


Jharna Chaudhuri为美国德克萨斯理工大学教授,机械工程系原系主任,美国机械工程学会会士(ASME Fellow), 中国国家外专局高端外国专家。Jharna Chaudhuri教授1982年毕业于美国罗格斯大学,获机械工程博士学位,之后在卫奇塔州立大学、堪萨斯州立大学、德克萨斯理工大学担任教授和系主任。长期从事机械材料力学,电子显微学研究,近年来专注于燃料电池催化剂材料的设计和分析研究工作。目前在Nature等杂志上发表SCI论文183篇,主持多项美国国家自然基金、 美国国防部达帕项目,累计经费达1000万美元。2013年被授予为美国机械工程学会会士,波音公司荣誉会士。Jharna Chaudhuri教授在2007年、2015年、2019年多次来合肥工业大学进行交流访问,建立了良好的合作关系。

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