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沈维祥:Applied Battery Research for Electric Vehicles

报告题目:Applied Battery Research forElectric Vehicles

报告时间: 2018年6月6日(星期三)上午10:00

报告地点: 学术会议中心二楼小报告厅

报 告 人:沈维祥副教授

工作单位:SwinburneUniversity of Technology (斯威本科技大学)



沈维祥,电气工程专业博士,先后在中国,德国,新加坡,马来西亚相关高校从事教学工作,目前是澳大利亚斯威本科技大学科学、工程与技术学院副教授。他的研究方向包括电动汽车电池管理系统应用开发及控制策略,电动汽车及可再生能源的集成化智能并网。发表学术及会议论文140余篇。在中国,新加坡,澳大利亚等多国从事电动汽车及太阳能光伏系统技术研究。学术兼职方面,他担任IEEE Transaction on VehicularTechnology, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transaction onPower Electronics, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion and Journal of PowerSources等国际期刊审稿人。


With the increasing concerns on energy conservationand environmental issues, the development of electric vehicle (EV) technologieshave been attracted more attention. The key to EV technologies is battery managementsystems (BMSs). This presentation will firstly provide brief discussions on theresearch work done for different aspects of BMSs such as battery thermal behaviours,battery capacity (or state of charge) estimation, battery charging, batterysorting and battery balancing techniques. Then, it will give the detaileddiscussions on battery balancing techniques in EV applications.

上一条:田钧方:交通违章扣分对司机驾驶行为影响机理 下一条:梁俊睿:高效宽频压电俘能电路的设计原理与科研展望


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