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Jürgen Maas :Magnetorheological fluids: from fundamentals towards automotive application

题目:Magnetorheological fluids: from fundamentals towardsautomotive application

时间: 2018年10月12日(星期五)11:00


报告人:Jürgen Maas教授

工作单位:TechnicalUniversity of Berlin(柏林工业大学)



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Maas, born 1965 inNieheim, German received the Dipl.-Ing. and Ph.D. degrees in electricalengineering from the University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, in 1993 and1998, respectively. After being a Research Assistant with the University ofPaderborn, he was a Team Manager of the Mechatronics Motion Control Group atDaimlerChrysler Research, Frankfurt, Germany, from 1998 to 2004. In 2004, hebecame a Professor in control engineering and mechatronics, and the Chair ofthe Corresponding Research Lab at the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of AppliedSciences, Lemgo, Germany. Since 2016, he has been a Full Professor inelectromechanical system design and the Chair of the Mechatronic SystemsLaboratory, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Heauthored/co-authored more than 150 publications. He was awarded for hisdoctorate with honors (summa cum laude) and received for his research theresearch award of DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology and the researchaward of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences in 2002 and2011, respectively. He is a member of several scientific and technicalcommittees. His main research interests include modeling, design, and controlof mechatronics systems, especially electromechanical transducers based onsmart materials for vehicle, industrial and medical-technical applications.


Afterintroducing fundamentals about magnetorheological fluids (MR fluids) and theutilized shear mode for rotary MR actuators, within this presentation amodel-based design of a full-sized coupling element based on MR fluids for adedicated hybrid electrical transmission (multi-mode transmission) ispresented. Certain novel features like a MRF-based sealing in combination with aMR fluid movement control and serpentine flux guidance will be considered forthe design by a simulation-based approach. By proving the realized designexperimental investigations of the coupling element show a fast torque responseand an almost complete elimination of viscous and sealing-friction induced dragtorques extending the range of hybrid electrical vehicles.

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