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报 告 人:刘昊翔




刘昊翔,博士,2015年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学。研究领域为城市交通网络设计问题。目前她正在做的研究包括电动车充电站的选址问题,和多类型出行者的交通分配及网络设计问题。已发表SCI检索论文10余篇,包括Transportation Research Par BTransportation Research Part E其中Web of Science检索的高引用论文(Highly Cited Papers)两篇,所发表的论文共被SCI引用80余次。


To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transportation sector, battery electric vehicle (BEV) is a better choice towards the ultimate goal of zero-emission. However, the shortened range,extended recharging time and insufficient charging facilities hinder the wide adoption of BEV. Recently, a wireless power transfer technology, which can provide dynamic recharging when vehicles are moving on roadway, has the potential to solve these problems. The dynamic recharging facilities, if widely applied on road network, can allow travelers to drive in unlimited range without stopping to recharge. The seminar includes two main aspects: firstly, to introduce the complex charging facilities location problem, assuming the wireless charging is technologically mature and a new type of wireless recharging BEV is available to be selected by consumers in the future; secondly, to introduce a black-box optimization problem and an efficient surface response approximation model based solution algorithm, utilizing which the presented model can be efficiently solved and the corresponding BEV recharging facility location plan can be obtained to assist the decision-making of government planners.

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