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Shan Bao(鲍珊):Human Factors Issues Associate with Connected and Automated Vehicle Safety Systems



人:Shan Bao(鲍珊)博士 工作单位:美国密歇根大学



Dr. Bao is anAssociate Research Scientist in the University of Michigan TransportationResearch Institute’s Human Factors Group where she has been conducting researchon human factors and driver distraction, driver behavior modeling, large-scaleof data analysis, advanced in-vehicle safety system evaluation since 2009. Dr.Bao has led and conducted multiple large simulator and naturalistic drivingstudies, with a total value of more than $3 million, for industry andgovernment sponsors as principle investigator. Dr. Bao has strong statisticalanalytic skills and her areas of expertise include the statistical analysis ofcrash datasets and naturalistic data, experimental design, algorithmsdevelopment to identify driver states, evaluation of driving safety technologies,measurement of driver performance, driver decision making, and statistical andstochastically modeling techniques. Dr. Bao is a regular reviewer for severalleading scientific journals. She current serves as the Chair of SurfaceTransportation Technical Group, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and she isa committee member of RB Human Factors and In-Vehicle Systems Committee and TRBcommittee of Human Factors in automated vehicle technologies Sub-committee.

鲍珊博士是美国密歇根大学交通运输研究所的副研究员。她于2009年在美国爱荷华大学机械和工业工程系取得博士学位后加入密歇根大学。鲍博士的研究方面主要包括识别驾驶员状态和决策的算法开发,驾驶员行为测试和建模,数据挖掘,车联网以及自动驾驶车载系统影响测试和评估。其研究成果发表于多篇相关领域高影响国际期刊上,例如IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,Human Factors和Journal ofAccident Analysis and Prevention。她目前担任美国人为因素和人体工程学会地面运输技术组主席,并且是美国国家科学院交通运输研究协会(TRB,Transportation ResearchBoard,National Academy ofScience)下属人因委员会(Committee onVehicle User Characteristics,AND10),以及自动化车辆人因技术小组委员会(Subcommittee on Human Factors in Road Vehicle Automation,AND10[3])委员。

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