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Oliver Bringmann: Optimizing Battery-Electric Range by Advanced Driving and Operation Strategies



报 告 人:Oliver Bringmann教授




Oliver Bringmann教授在德国卡尔斯鲁尔大学计算机系获得硕士学位。2001年在图宾根大学获得计算机学科的博士学位。此后,就职于卡尔斯鲁尔信息研究中心(FZI)。曾担任该中心智能系统与生产工程部部长及微电子系统设计研究组组长,属FZI管理层成员。现任德国图宾根大学教授、计算机学院副院长,兼嵌入式系统教研室主任和卡尔斯鲁尔信息研究中心(FZI)的部门负责人。

Bringmann教授的研究领域包含分布式嵌入式系统和系统芯片的设计、分析和验证;具体研究领域包括电动汽车的能量管理系统,自动驾驶的安全架构,健全性验证及虚拟负荷测试,嵌入式系统性能,功率及热分析以及嵌入式系统从系统层到下线的设计。在此领域,Bringmann教授发表150多篇学术论文。Bringmann教授是DATE执行委员会的成员并是多个国际会议(DAC,CASES ,DATE, DSD, CODES-ISSS等)专家委员会的成员。




Battery electric vehicles offer the possibility of CO2-emission free transportation. The broad market penetration, however, is hindered by several shortcomings of the technology. The limited driving range, high cost and long charging times discourage consumers. Our research is addressing this issue by utilizing information from upcoming sensor technologies to build energy-optimized driving and operation strategies instead of using cost-expensive solutions for driving range optimization based on an enlarged battery capacity or mechanical changes. This talk will present different approaches for driving range optimization which have been successfully evaluated by an experimental battery electric vehicle: A novel torque distribution algorithm exploits the overactuated powertrain of the demonstrator vehicle to increase the energy-efficiency, while a green cruise control system is adaptively optimizing speed profiles according to real time data on the currently driven road. Another challenging issue specific to battery electric vehicle is the high energy consumption for climate control (HVAC), which is second only to the powertrain. By combining the developed strategies, an increase in range of 26% was possible on a public road at a cost of only 8% increased travel time. Both, the basic principles of the systems as well as a detailed view on the results achieved in simulation and on public road driving tests will be displayed during the presentation including a trade-off discussion between range optimization and travel time.

上一条:Oliver Bringmann: Optimizing Battery-Electric Range by Advanced Driving and Operation Strategies 下一条:郭仁拥:Are we really solving the dynamic traffic equilibrium problem with a departure time choice?


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