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Qiang Meng:Paving the Road to Electric Mobility System in Singapore

报告时间: 20221128日(星期一8:50-9:20

报告地点:线上报告(腾讯会议:783871221  密码:202211

Qiang Meng

工作单位:National University of Singapore



This study devotes to making a holistic study dealing with the development, planning, operations & management, and investment of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV charging infrastructure in Singapore. Firstly, we recap the current e-mobility system of Singapore, including vehicle population, vehicle ownership & composition, market shares of prevailing EV brands. In addition to comparing the EV markets of Singapore and Norway, we illustrate the current state of EV charging infrastructure in Singapore, such as typical chargers and their technical profiles, charging standards, charger operation modes, and charger coverage. Secondly, we focus on the EV development roadmap and relevant policies in Singapore. We in-depth analyze the government EV roadmap for 2050, EV promotion schemes, government subsidy policy for EV adoption, and additional incentives for private EV operators such as taxi and bus companies, and private hire car companies (e.g., BlueSG and Grab in Singapore). Thirdly, we examine the EV charging infrastructure planning and policy orientation for Singapore 2030, including but not limited to the government goals and roadmap of EV charging infrastructure planning, private expansion plan for EV charging facilities, EV charging profiles and possible standards to be adopted in 2030, EV charging facilities subsidies and subsidy criteria, and representative charging facility company and its investment. Fourthly, we concentrate on the possible beneficial schemes of investment, operations & management (IOM) of EV charging infrastructure in Singapore. We first identify potential stakeholders involved in the EV charging infrastructure IOM process and evaluate their roles, relationships, and collaboration possibility. Next, we study several EV charging infrastructure IOM mechanisms, such as private-operator regime, government-operator regime, and private-public-partnership (PPP) regime. In the last section, we shed light on the challenges, opportunities, and possible solutions for road to vehicle electrification in Singapore.


Dr. Qiang Meng is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), the fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore, the director of NUS Guangzhou Research Translation and Innovation Institute, and the director of Centre for Transportation Research (CTR) of CEE. His research mainly focuses on urban mobility modeling and optimization, shipping and intermodal freight transportation analysis, and quantitative risk assessment of transport operations. He has published more than 240 SCI journal articles in his research fields with total citations of 15,249 and H-index of 72 in Google Scholar. He is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part E and Multimodal Transportation (a new transportation journal launched by the Southeast University of China and Elsevier), and Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part B. He has clinched many research awards and prizes, including the best paper award for institutional innovation in the 14th EASTS International Conference in 2021, 2020 TSL (Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS) Best Paper Award in Freight Transportation and Logistics in 2020, OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Best Paper Award in the Field of Logistics in the 13th EASTS International Conference in 2019, Engineer Research Award of Faculty of Engineering at NUS in 2018, Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professorship awarded by the Ministry of Education of PR China in 2017, Outstanding Alumni Award of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2016, Dean’s Chair in Faculty of Engineering at NUS in 2015, the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) Society Prize for the best paper in 2013.

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