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李纪柳: A New Exact Algorithm for Single-Commodity Vehicle Routing with Split Pickups and Deliveries



报 告 人:李纪柳教授




We present a new exact algorithm to solve a challenging vehicle routing problem with split pickups and deliveries, named as the single-commodity split-pickup and split-delivery vehicle routing problem (SPDVRP). In the SPDVRP, any amount of a product collected from a pickup customer can be supplied to any delivery customer, and the demand of each customer can be collected or delivered multiple times by the same or different vehicles. The vehicle fleet is homogeneous with limited capacity and maximum route duration. This problem arises regularly in inventory and routing rebalancing applications, such as in bike-sharing systems, where bikes must be rebalanced over time such that the appropriate number of bikes and open docks are available to users. The solution of the SPDVRP requires determining the number of visits to each customer, the relevant portions of the demands to be collected from or delivered to the customers, and the routing of the vehicles. These three decisions are intertwined, contributing to the hardness of the problem. Our new exact algorithm for the SPDVRP is a branch-price-and-cut algorithm based on a pattern-based mathematical formulation. The SPDVRP relies on a novel label-setting algorithm used to solve the pricing problem associated with the pattern-based formulation, where the label components embed reduced cost functions, unlike those classical components that embed delivered or collected quantities, thus significantly reducing the dimension of the corresponding state space. Extensive computational results on different classes of benchmark instances illustrate that the newly proposed exact algorithm solves several open SPDVRP instances and significantly improves the running times of state-of-the-art algorithms.


李纪柳,博士,西北工业大学教授、博士生导师,课题组主要研究方向分为智慧物流、智能生产,从事网络规划、运输调度、生产调度、设施选址等重要问题的研究,擅长通过数学规划理论、优化算法等解决确定性或随机性的优化问题,具有丰富的科研技巧及企业落地经验。近五年在国际顶级和重要期刊发表了多篇学术论文,包括INFORMS Journal on Computing (UTD 24)Transportation ScienceTransportation Research Part B/EOmega等。

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